Daily Archives: January 30, 2011


Don’t you love how God is sovereign and always has a plan for us? So many times we wonder what He’s doing in our lives and He’s not doing what He “should” be doing.

In my Jonah Bible study, Priscilla Shirer writes this:

“I’ve become a master at making leftovers into gourmet meals. I wish I had Paula Deen’s charm and Rachael Ray’s sensibility while doing it, but most often I’m bumping into my kids, slamming cabinet doors, and searching the refrigerator for anything that doesnt’ have mold on it from being forgotten at the bottom back corner. yes, one day I aspire to cook each meal like those women do- like my mother does- with a smile on my face, a crisp white apron on, fresh ingredients and newly minted recipes. Until then, I’ll just do the best I can. Do I hear an Amen?

“About two kids ago I stopped trying to be Chef Boyardee every night and started fishing out things I’d already cooked to reuse. I’ve become a gourmet leftover chef. I dice and chop and reconfigure. Then I told the day-old meat and vegetables with a cream of mushroom soup and inevitably some grated cheese. Bake it at 350 degrees for a bit, give it a French-sounding name and voilà! My family things I’ve really gone and done something special. Ahhhh. Applause please.

“God’s good at taking our messes, our leftovers, and doing something good with them. Parts of all of our lives we’d just as soon forget, yet in the hands of a Master, our mess can become the greatest miracle of all. He has a way of chopping, dicing, and reconfiguring the parts that we thought were of no use. He’s got a knack for pouring on His Spirit and sprinkling on a bit of grace and mercy. Then, voilà! Fresh out of the oven of a trial or two, there’s something delicious from your life that you never thought possible. Ahhhh. Applause please.”

I love this truth. God always has a plan. He always puts us through trials and heartache because He knows the outcome. It makes me think throughout my entire life what I have done to rebel against the Lord. Pain and suffering and distress. “God can use anything, even the leftovers, for His glory.”

Whatever you’re going through, remember the Lord’s sovereignty and goodness. Rest in His love and grace and let Him transform your leftovers for His glory!