Daily Archives: January 25, 2011

arise… GO!

This past week has been tough. Each night as I lay in bed, I start praying and thinking. My eyes fill with tears as ponder the 6 weeks in America before I depart for three months in China. Time is flying and I can’t stop it. I wonder if this is really what God wants for me. At times I don’t think I can follow through and leave everything I’ve ever known and loved… but I know I have to, out of obedience.

Tonight in my Priscilla Shirer Bible study on the book of Jonah, she talks about how Jonah had an interruption in his life. An interruption he didn’t expect. Jonah was a prophet and God called him to share the gospel in Ninevah. Ninevah was populated with the enemies of Jonah’s people, yet God called Jonah to that place.

Everything that Priscilla said tonight in her video session applied to my life. She said that the interrupted life is the challenging life. In Jonah 1:2, God says, “Arise, go to Nineveh the great city…” Notice the first two words that God says. Arise and go.

We have to arise from the place we are at and go to where God is leading us. The place we’re at is probably safe and comfortable, we’ve adjusted to the weather. However, we can’t just be complacent. If God is calling you to do something, GO! “Oftentimes the greatest hindrance of a new move of God in your life is the last move of God.” I love this quote because there’s a lot of truth to it. A lot of times, where God called us previously is good… but good things aren’t always God things.

I feel like my whole life I’ve been comfortable. I had confidence in my studies and athletics. College went well. I was a collegiate athlete on scholarship. I received good grades without letting studying take my whole life. I was involved in Christian organizations and I lived in community. Everything was good, easy, comfortable.

I don’t want a comfortable life. I don’t want to be complacent in my walk with the Lord. As followers of Jesus, we should never be complacent. Instead, we should always be striving to know Christ in a deeper way. Our God’s character is unfathomable. He’s sovereign, too big to even try to comprehend. There’s always something new to learn about His character.

Don’t settle for complacency. Keep seeking Jesus. Maybe you’re right in the middle of an interrupted life. You have no idea where God is leading you. Well, let me say, join the club!! It’s okay to be uncertain for the future in the midst of an interruption in life. Let the Lord lead you through it! Arise from the comfortable stage you’re at in your life and go where God has called you!!

I encourage you to GO. If God calls you to it, He will equip you for it!! I’m GOING. Who’s with me?