Daily Archives: May 9, 2011

GREAT strength on the Great Wall.

I climbed the Great Wall today, but this time was different than the other times.

First off, it was a different location. The Great Wall spans over 5,000 miles. In Beijing, there are different touring areas of parts if the wall that have been refurbished for touring. I have been to the wall multiple times, however it was my first time at this location. Little did I know this would be the toughest journey up the Great Wall.

I struggled. Every time I go to the wall, I gaze at the highest, reachable tower and get there. I’m learning that I’m a stubborn, prideful person that doesn’t like showing weakness… ever.

I’ve been an athlete all my life and it’s always allowed me to be in great shape for athletics. Through sports I’ve grown to love competition, even if it’s just a mind battle telling myself that I can get through a workout, practice or last few minutes of game time. It’s always been engrained in my mind to never give up and keep persevering.

Well, today, I had one of these battles in my mind. There were still lots of uneven, steep stairs ahead of me and I wasn’t sure if I would make it to the tower I had set my eyes on. I’ve been getting over a sickness which caused shorter breaths and I had only a few big gulps of water left. I felt light-headed at times and rested multiple times. Yet deep down inside of me, I wouldn’t give up. I was going to make it to the top.

Fatigue settled in. My legs started becoming jello. I regretted spending time in the hotel’s health center the night before. I wanted to come up with all the excuses I could to not get to the top. I felt that my body couldn’t do it. I was huffing and puffing, needing water every hundred meters of stairs.

God kept speaking to me. I heard His gentle whisper.

Rely on My strength. Your body is too tired. You are weak, but it’s okay because I am strong. Stop trying to do this yourself, let Me help you.

It was then I prayed. I prayed for His everlasting strength that never fails. I prayed for humility as my weakness showed outward. I put in my headphones, grabbed my ipod, and put on some music that spoke truth to my soul.

Finally, I made it to the top. Victory! The inward struggle and battle inside of me was over. I had conquered that area of the Great Wall, and I looked out, the view was incredible. I was grateful I had made it to the top, not on my own strength, but only from my powerful, never-fading Jesus!

Rely on His strength today. Whatever mountain, wall, or task is ahead of you, remember that the greater the struggle, the greater the victory. God is working in you and accomplishing what He needs to in order to bring you closer to Him!